Hi, everybody. Welcome to our new site. We thought we'd be able to post pictures and whatnot here so our family and friends can see them rather than attempting to email so many pictures.
If you are new to this site, please see our old one at
http://www.mcnaughtonschinatrip.blogspot.com/Well, it's November in the Southern Hemisphere and we are entering summer. We just changed our clocks this past weekend so we are 3 hours ahead of our friends on Eastern Standard Time and 5 hours ahead of Mom and Dad and the rest of Brian's family in Mountain Time. Remember that when you think "hey let's call Brian and Shellye." Not that anybody does.
Here's the family after Brian came home from work on a Monday. During the last 2 weeks Sarah's walking ability has exploded. She walks all the time now, doesn't bear-walk anymore. She is so lovely and adapting better and better every day. No problems going to bed, sleeps all night, no crying out. We think she's taken her cue from the other four. She either had to start to get moving or get left behind.

In backyard soccerDaddy and Hannah took on Jesse and Rachel and we pulled out a squeaker and won 5-4. You can't see them in this picture but we are playing under two humongous mango trees and they are just about ready to drop. Last year we got 30-40 mangos a day for about a month and a half. In fact, we still have mango pulp in the freezer from last year.

Then there was some pool time since we were so hot and sweaty. Here's Rachel and Sam-Sam sharing the giraffe. Sam will not wear a regular bathing suit only a Speedo.

Sarah may not look too happy in this picture but she was laughing and squealing the whole time she floated around in the pool. It's kind of late now and I still have to send out an email informing all of you about this new site. Bye.